Archbishop Urmas Viilma:
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit! Amen.
Jesus said to his companions, “Put your sword back in its place, for all who draw the sword will perish by the sword.” (Matthew 26:52)
In the War of Independence, swords had to be drawn to achieve peace, secure liberation, and bring the war to an end. There is a significant difference between maintaining peace and avoiding war, and achieving peace and ending a war.
Today, Ukrainians find themselves in a similar situation. Sheathing the sword is not an option for them. This sword is necessary to defend their home and fend off the enemy who first drew it.
When a sword is drawn not for aggression, but to secure peace and preserve one’s home, it becomes a sign of care and love. Those who fall as a result of drawing such a sword are martyrs of love.
Today, we are able to celebrate the Independence Day because our leaders have recognised the right moments to draw the sword and the right moments to leave it in its scabbard. It is profound divine wisdom, grounded in experience and an inner understanding of good and evil, right and wrong, values and virtues, the essential and the marginal. The ultimate judge of all our actions, however, is God to whom we have entrusted the martyrs who shed their blood for the freedom of our people.
These are the martyrs we are commemorating today.
Prayer – Lord God, we thank You for Your grace, by which You have upheld and guided our land and people through history. We commemorate all who have given their lives in defence of our fatherland. Let us not forget their sacrifice. We pray for just peace in Ukraine, and we entrust to Your care the souls of all who have died defending their home, family and fatherland. Amen.
May the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit bless you all! Amen.