Kirchhain church-district (Germany)

Schmalkaden deanery (Germany)

Lääne-Harju DEANERY
Eckernförde church-district (Germany)

Schleswig church-district (Germany)
Wolfhagen church-district (Germany)

Åland deanery (Finland)
Anglen church-district (Germany)

Tallinna DEANERY
Kotka union of congregations (Finland)
Kiel church-district (Germany)

Eschwege deanery (Germany)
Östersund deanery (Sweden)

Viljandi DEANERY
Tuusula deanery (Finland)
Bramsche deanery (Germany)
Falun deanery (Sweden)

Husum-Bredstedt church-district (Germany)

Segeberg church-district (Germany)

AEGVIIDU Aleksandri congregation
Kauhava congregation (Finland)
Ylivieska congregation (Finland)

AMBLA Maarja congregation
Isojoki congregation (Finland)

ANSEKÜLA Maarja congregation
Luvia congregation (Finland)

AUDRU Püha Risti congregation
Solf congregation (Finland)

AVINURME congregation
Somero congregation (Finland)

ELVA congregation
Perniö congregation (Finland)
Kempele congregation (Finland)
Hallsberg congregation (Sweden)

EMMASTE Immanueli congregation
Virolahti congregation (Finland)

HAAPSALU Püha Johannese congregation
Helsinki Huopalahti congregation (Finland)
Korsnäs congregation (Finland)
Loviisa congregation (Finland)
Nakkila congregation (Finland)
Rendburg St. Mary congregation (Germany)
St Jürgen´s congregation in Rendburg (Germany)
Rendsburg Christkirche congregation (Germany)
Hamburg Alt-Rahlstedt congregation (Germany)
Österhaninge congregation (Sweden)
Norway-Kyrketorp congregation (Sweden)

HAGERI Lambertuse congregation
Keuruu and Pihlajavesi congregation (Finland)
Nilsiä congregation (Finland)
Eckernförde St. Nikolai congregation (Germany)

HALJALA Püha Mauritiuse congregation
Eno congregation (Finland)
Hegra congregation (Norway)
Espoo congregation (Finland)

HALLISTE Püha Anna congregation
Sipoo congregation (Finland)
Hartola congregation (Finland)
Ruovesi congregation (Finland)

HARJU-JAANI Ristija Johannese congregation
Norberg congregation (Sweden)

HARJU-MADISE congregation
Kauniainen congregation (Finland)
Naantal deanery (Finland)
Gettorf congregation (Germany)

HELME Maarja congregation
Laihia congregation (Finland)
Byneset congregation (Norway)
Ergeme congregation (Latvia)

HÄÄDEMEESTE Miikaeli congregation
Hankasalmi congregation (Finland)
Ovanakerise congregation (Sweden)
South Croydon St Peter´s congregation (United Kingdom)

IISAKU congregation
Breklum congregation (Germany)

JÕGEVA congregation
Renko congregation (Finland)

JÕHVI Mihkli congregation
Outokumpu congregation (Finland)
Meilahti congregation (Finland)
Norderstedt Glashutte congregation (Germany)
Uddevalla congregation (Sweden)
Lane Ryri congregation (Sweden)

JUURU Mihkli congregation
Pori Teljä congregation (Finland)

JÜRI congregation
Loppi congregation (Finland)

JÄMAJA Kolmainu congregation
Luvia congregation (Finland)
Höreda congregation (Sweden)

JÄRVA-JAANI Ristija Johannese congregation
Virtain congregation (Finland)
Kälviän congregation (Finland)
St. Tönis congregation (Germany)

JÄRVA-MADISE Püha Matteuse congregation
Kuusjoki congregation (Finland)

JÄRVAKANDI Pauluse congregation
Waabs congregation (Germany)
Juva congregation (Finland)

KADRINA Katariina congregation
Lapua Cathedral congregation (Finland)

KARJA Katariina congregation
Karjaa congregation (Finland)

KARULA congregation
Hämeenkoski congregation (Finland)

KEILA Miikaeli congregation
Huittisteni congregation (Finland)
Tampere Viinikka congregation (Finland)
Kosel congregation (Germany)

KIHELKONNA Mihkli congregation
Nokia congregation (Finland)

KIRBLA Püha Nikolause congregation
Ulvila congregation (Finland)

KOLGA-JAANI Johannese congregation
Berlin Zehlendorf Congregation (Germany)
Suodenniemi congregation (Finland)
Lavia congregation (Finland)
Kiikoisteni congregation (Finland)

KÕPU Peetri congregation
Kerava congregation (Finland)
Grytnäs congregation (Sweden)
Cathredal congregation in Mikkeli (Finland)

KOSE Püha Nikolause congregation
Kanta-Espoo congregation (Finland)
Hollola congregation (Finland)

KULLAMAA Püha Johannese congregation
Pattijoki and Pyhäjoki congregation (Finland)

KUNDA Kolmekuninga congregation
Ostenfeld congregation (Germany)

KURESSAARE Laurentiuse congregation
Ulvila congregation (Finland)
Gamla Uppsala congregation (Sweden)

KUUSALU Laurentsiuse congregation
Hämeenlinna congregation (Finland)
Vanaja congregation (Finland)

KÄRLA Maarja-Magdaleena congregation
Hoyer congregation (Germany)

KÄSMU congregation
Linton St. Nicholas congregation (Church of England) (United Kingdom)
Kymi congregation (Finland)

LAIUSE Püha Jüri congregation
Kaarina congregation (Finland)

LIHULA Eliisabeti congregation
Kärkölä congregation (Finland)
Aura congregation (Finland)

LÜGANUSE Ristija Johannese congregation
Viol and Schwesing congregation (Germany)

LÄÄNE-NIGULA Püha Nikolause congregation
Ylitornio congregation (Finland)
Raahe congregation (Finland)
Espoonlahti congregation (Finland)
Hakarp congregation (Sweden)
Stavnäs congregation (Sweden)
Nortorf congregation (Germany)

MARTNA Püha Martini congregation
Marttila congregation (Finland)

MEHIKOORMA congregation
Oulu Tuira congregation (Finland)

MIHKLI Miikaeli congregation
Rovaniemi congregation (Finland)
Turu St. Michael´s congregation (Finland)

MÕISAKÜLA congregation
Nurmijärvi congregation (Finland)

MUSTVEE congregation
Hämeenkyrö congregation (Finland)

MÄRJAMAA Maarja congregation
Rendsburg St. Jurgen congregation (Germany)
Siikasalo congregation (Finland)

NARVA Maarja congregation
Pushkin congregation (Russia)
Porvoo congregation (Finland)
Loviisa congregation (Finland)
Artjärvi congregation (Finland)
Askola congregation (Finland)
Lapinjärvi congregation (Finland)
Myrskylä congregation (Finland)
Pornaineni congregation (Finland)
Pukkila congregation (Finland)

NISSI Maarja congregation
Barkelsby and Windeby congregation (Germany)
Tallinn Bethel congregation (Estonia)
Hakunila congregation (Finland)
Vildbjerg congregation (Denmark)

NOAROOTSI Püha Katariina congregation
Esbo Swedish speaking congregation (Finland)

NÕMME Rahu congregation
Askim Lutheran congregation (Sweden)
Kuopio Lutheran congregations (Finland)
Grace Lutheran Church in Destin, Florida (USA)
EELC Ilumäe congregation (Estonia)

NÕO Püha Laurentsiuse congregation
Helsinki Lauttasaari congregation (Finland)

NÕVA Püha Olevi congregation
Munsala chapel congregation (Nykarleby congregation) (Finland)
Tarvasjoe chapel congregation (Liedo congregation) (Finland)
Finnish Lutheran Free Church (Finland)

ORISSAARE congregation
Tallinn Holy Spirit congregation (Estonia)

OTEPÄÄ Maarja congregation
Vihti congregation (Finland)
Tarp congregation (Germany)

PAIDE Püha Risti congregation
Kemi congregation (Finland)
Keminmaa congregation (Finland)

PAISTU Maarja congregation
Kokemäki congregation (Finland)

PALAMUSE Püha Bartholomeuse congregation
Ikaalise congregation (Finland)
Garding congregation (Germany)
Kaarina congregation (Finland)

PALDISKI Nikolai congregation
Kirkkonummi congregation (Finland)

PIIRSALU congregation
Purmo congregation (Finland)

PILISTVERE Andrease congregation
Pälkäne congregation (Finland)
Tallinn Toompea Kaarli congregation (Estonia)

PÕLTSAMAA Niguliste congregation
Ilomantsi congregation (Finland)
Kangasala congregation (Finland)
Järvenpää congregation (Finland)
Vaci congregation (Hungary)

PUHJA congregation
Kauhava congregation (Finland)

PÜHA Jakobi congregation
Kiukaise congregation (Finland)
Kiikka congregation (Finland)

PÜHAJÕE Maarja congregation
Alavuse congregation (Finland)
Hattstedt congregation (Germany)

PÜHALEPA Laurentsiuse congregation
Nurmo congregation (Finland)

PÄRNU Eliisabeti congregation
Vaasa congregation (Finland)

PÄRNU-JAKOBI congregation
Göteborg St. Paul congregation (Sweden)
Snejbjerg congregation (Denmark)

PÖIDE Maarja congregation
Pöytyä congregation (Finland)

RAKVERE Kolmainu congregation
Bredstedt and Bargum congregation (Germany)
Bordelum congregation (Germany)

RANNU Püha Martini congregation
Lammi congregation (Finland)

RAPLA Maarja-Magdaleena congregation
Borby congretation (Germany)
Alahärmä congregation (Finland)

RIDALA Püha Maarja Magdaleena congregation
Kärsämäki congregation (Finland)
Oulaise congregation (Finland)
Haapavesi congregation (Finland)
Sigtuna congregation (Sweden)
Turu St Michael congregation (Finland)

RISTI congregation
Sehestedt congregation (Germany)
Kirkkonummi congregation (Finland)
Christianskirken (Denmark)
St Mary congregation in Diocese of Rochester (United Kingdom)

RÕNGU Mihkli congregation
Björkekärrs congregation (Sweden)

RÕUGE Maarja congregation
Bornhoved congregation (Germany)
Siikaise congregation (Finland)
Vesilahti congregation (Finland)
Honkajoe congregation (Finland)

RÄPINA Miikaeli congregation
Oulu Tuira congregation (Finland)
Margrethe congregation (Denmark)
La Jolla congregation (USA)
Spangenberg´s congregation (Germany)

SAARDE Katariina congregation
Gällstad congregation (Sweden)

SAKSA Lunastaja congregation
German Lutheran Congregation in Finland (Finland)
German Lutheran Congregation in Riga (Latvia)
Lutheran Congregation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Holtland (Germany)
Apostles congregation in Kiel (Germany)

SAKU Toomase congregation
Sieseby congregation (Germany)
Brenchley congregation (United Kingdom)
Liperi congregation (Finland)
Lohja congregation (Finland)

SANGASTE Püha Andrease congregation
Bomlo congregation (Norway)
Kauniaiste/Grankulla congregation (Finland)
Vihti congregation (Finland)

SIMUNA Siimona ja Juuda congregation
Helsinki Herttoniemi congregation (Finland)
Mission organization Rauhan Sana (Finland)

SINDI congregation
Anjalankoski congregation (Finland)

SOOME Püha Peetruse congregation
Helsinki Käpylä congregation (Finland)
Jyväskylä city congregation (Finland)

SUURE-JAANI Johannese congregation
Turu St Martin congregation (Finland)

TAAGEPERA Jaani congregation
Dalhem congregation (Sweden)
Hauho congregation (Finland)

TAHKURANNA congregation
Kvevlaxi congregation (Finland)

TALLINNA Jaani congregation
St John´s Shirley congregation (United Kingdom)
Mikkel Cathedral congregation (Finland)
Ruokolahti congregation (Finland)
Røa Lutheran Congregation in Soul (Norway)

TALLINNA Peeteli congregation
Nissi St Mary congregation (Estonia)
Jakobsberg congregation (Sweden)
Tampere Harju congregation (Finland)

TALLINNA Püha Neitsi Maarja Piiskoplik Toomkogudus congregation
Turu Cathedral congregation (Finland)
Helsinki Cathedral congregation (Finland)

TALLINNA Püha Vaimu congregation
Helsinki Taivallahti congregation (Finland)
Ylöjärvi congregation (Finland)
Orissaare congregation (Estonia)

TALLINNA Toompea Kaarli congregation
Forssa congregation (Finland)
Pilistvere St Andrew congregation (Estonia)
Beckenham congregation (United Kingdom)

TAPA Jakobi congregation
Akaa congregation (Finland)
Iitti congregation (Finland)
Preetri congregation (Germany)

TARTU Maarja congregation
Turu Henrik congregation (Finland)
Tampere Aitolahti congregation (Finland)
St Stephen congregation (United Kingdom)

TARTU Pauluse congregation
Siilinjärve congregation (Finland)
Uppsala Trinity congregation (Sweden)
Tampere Union of Congregations (Finland)

TARTU Peetri congregation
Kiiminki congregation (Finland)
Lüneburg city congregations (Germany)
Toronto St Peter congregation (Canada)

TARTU Soome congregation
Kallavesi congregation (Finland)
Tervo congregation (Finland)
Vesanto congregation (Finland)

TARVASTU Peetri congregation
Salo congregation (Finland)

TORI Püha Jüri congregation
Helsinki Töölö congregation (Finland)

TORMA Maarja congregation
Helsinki Pakila congregation (Finland)
Oravaise congregation (Finland)

TÕSTAMAA Maarja congregation
Korsholmi congregation (Finland)

TREIMANI congregation
Reploti congregation (Finland)

TUDULINNA Rahu congregation
Korbilahti congregation (Finland)

TUHALA Kaarli congregation
Asikkala congregation (Finland)

TÜRI Püha Martini congregation
Siuntio congregation (Finland)

VALGA Peetri-Luke congregation
Ylistaro congregation (Finland)

VALJALA Martini congregation
Pirkkala congregation (Finland)

VARA Brigitta congregation
Korso congregation (Finland)

VIGALA Maarja congregation
Somerniemi congregation (Finland)
Ekner congregation (Germany)
Halsten congregation (Netherlands)

VIIMSI Püha Jaakobi congregation
Helsinki Lauttasaari congregation (Finland)

VILJANDI Jaani congregation
Porvoo Finnish congregation (Finland)
Lahti Salpausselä congregation (Finland)
Sauherad and Nes congregation (Norway)
Peace congregation in Aegidienberg (Germany)
St Mary´s congregation in Greifswald (Germany)
Eindhoven St John congregation (Netherlands)

VILJANDI Pauluse congregation
Lempäälä congregation (Finland)
Tuusula congregation (Finland)
St Stephen´s congregation (United Kingdom)

VÕNNU Jakobi congregation
Kyyjärvi congregation (Finland)

VORMSI Püha Olavi congregation
Rekola congregation (Finland)
Eckernförde church-district (Germany)

VÄIKE-MAARJA congregation
Langenhorn congregation (Germany)

VÄNDRA Martini congregation
Owschlag congregation (Germany)